Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's

Daddy and the kids wait for Santa on Christmas Eve in the Christmas Eve Pajamas!
Meghan has had enough waiting........ They got a nice toy box to keep all those toys that Santa gave them in.
Tucker is going to sit under the tree for a while too. (this was after Meghan pulled the tree on top of her)

Let the fun begin, Our 1st Christmas

Lots and Lots and Lots of presents. What do we do??

Let's open themand let's crawl all over them! Balls...........and paper to eat.

Look what we received from SantaIt's so much fun."Watch out Meghan, Here I come"

Monday, December 22, 2008

Random pictures and Mason giggling.

Meghan's new place to play with her dolly See Mom, This is fun. Mason tells Daddy that Meghan's not allowed!! Meghan continues to play by herself then.
Mason is not a happy camper.
Daddy and Meghan
Daddy and Mason just love to play.

Bring on the presents.........

The kids were able to open a couple presents early. These are from our Day Care provider, Kelly! She is just too good to these kids!
Do we eat them or open them?
Meghan doesn't know either, but they sure taste good.
Meghan helps her brother

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.....

We finally get some snow we can actually play in!
This is my new sled. Mason has a new sled too He likes it in the snow better than the sled.
Meghan too....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Meghan is interested in the tags for the gifts. She did help wrap a gift or two, However Grandma's unwrapped presents were in the picture so we can't post them. She tries to get a gift opened early! NO LUCK.Mason knows he is a big boy now, standing. Harley tries to show him how to get out. Meghan being goofy. (it's a bit blurry because she moves so quick) Mommy and the kids
Daddy and the kids Daddy and the kids II
Daddy and the kids III
Mommy, Mason & Harley
Mommy and Meghan
