Thursday, November 20, 2008

All bundled up

Thanks go Grandma Nylund, we got some new winter jackets. They are still a bit big so when they are bundled they can't move! It's pretty funny! I am not sure if they like being bundled!

Meghan stands!

Our little girl is very independant now, or at least she thinks she is!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

8 Months old and a very content Mason

No bad hair days hereStill very bubbly though.
Lots of interest in everything. Loves to eat anything. (notice the finger he is sticking up) I won't have to tell you which one!! I think we have another kind of trouble on our hands.Love to go riding on big kids toys also. Our big boy!

8 Months Old and a very busy Meghan

Yikes.......Another bad hair day!! It's her 8 month birthday also!

This is what Ryan & I went in to see after nap time today!

She gets into the closet............ under tables and behind chairs....... she is just so bubbly!!!

She has all the toys in the world, but insists on playing with the dogs toys.

She loves to drive you crazy..............

She likes to ride crazy also.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Help Me! Help Me! Let me out!!

Thank God for child proofing!! Meghan is a crawling fanatic and she is getting in and out of everything! Plus, she thinks it's funny.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Grandma Isaacson leaves for Arizona before snow falls, so we spend a day celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with her before she departs. This year it happened to fall the day after Halloween. So we had Hallo-Give-Mas this weekend. The kids enjoyed their first 3 holidays all in one. They had so much fun.
The whole family
Mason tries to get the gift open.
Mason shows off his new toy from Grandma.
Meghan wonders what is in all this paper? Does she care........Because she really has fun with the paper.Meghan gets her first sucker in her stocking. She really enjoys it. Mason get's one also as he sports it in his new hat!!
