Friday, January 23, 2009


Mommy tries to put groceries away and the kids try to help.
At least they call it help. (i think) I call it nothing but trouble.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


His hair is getting so blonde and curly.Her hair is still out of control, however it does finally fit in a pony tail and will stay in barettes. They love to play with the high chairs.
Meghan tries to push Mason around. They play together so well,
Meghan wonders what Mason has now.
Ok, so they don't play so well all the time, they also fight.
Mason get's his brush back.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Meghan's long hair.

It just keeps on growing!!
and growing......

Monday, January 12, 2009

10 Months Old Already

We have a feeling that Meghan will be walking on her own at any time. Mason is still content with watching his sister get into all the trouble. Meghan not only likes drawers, she climbs into them.......Only to get into the drawers she is not suppose to be in.
We are getting so big so fast, where has time gone?
Forever Pals.
There's two to wash
There's two to dry,
There's two who argue
There's two who cry.
One's in the mud
Having a ball
The other holds a crayon
Another mark on the wall.
Some days seem endless
My patience grows thin.
Why was I chosen
To be a Mother of Twins?
The answer comes clear
At the end of each day,
As I tuck them in bed
And to myself I say.
There's two to kiss
There's two to hug.
And best of all
There's two to love.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our 9 Month Photos

This is the first time we have had bad luck with our photographer! Mason wasn't in the mood for smiling and our photographer didn't really do anything to make him laugh except say "peek". Meghan was all over the place getting into everything she should not have. They sure didn't know how to distract a 9 month old. Hopefully we will have better 1 year photos!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Piggy Tails

I love my pigtails
Mason had to comb his pretty hair also.
