Monday, April 27, 2009

Minnesota Zoo

Grandma & Grandpa came down for the weekend and we all went to the Minnesota Zoo with Andrea and Devin. We had a great Day.
A picture of the kids.Grandma and the kids by the Moose!!
The kids enjoyed the water fountain at the entrance.
Meghan arrives at the zoo and takes a rest in front of the birdies.
Mason loved the Wolverine, it would jump up on the window in front of him.
What is that?
Look at the fish.
Awww.......A shark!
Meghan sits and waits for the train with Devin. Meghan actually wants his rice krispie bar.Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Another animal the kids were interested in. He put on a good show.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Like Father, Like Son!!

Mason thinks there is something wrong with our BBQ.
"Yep, pretty sure that is not right"
"Let me get in here and just take a looksie"
"Yeah, It doesn't look good, See Meghan?" "Let me just fix this and turn this and.....!"
"if I just turn this.......I think it's set, Let's get the burgers on now"
Meghan gives a smile.
Sitting on the chair with each other.

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Bikes for the Summer

Mommy and Daddy got a great deal on a brand new In Step Bike Trailer from a Garage Sale. However, Then they had to go buy some bikes to pull us around.
Mommy's New Bike
Daddy's New Bike
Stay tuned for pictures of us going on a bike ride...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter and Happy 13 Months Old

We had a wonderful Easter this year.
Our very first Easter Baskets.
I think the Easter Bunny went a little overboard.
Masons BasketMeghans Basket Eww...A Easter Basket, I can barely see with all my hair.
Thanks Mom, Now I can see.Mason wonders what Meghan got that he did not. Look!! I love this Easter Bunny thing.Me too, This marshmallow rope is yummy even with the wrapper on.
Easter Eggs!! What else is in there?
My new book.
Yummy, Who wants to wait to take the wrapper off? Not Me!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fighting ~ Mason and Music

Fighting over the hot pads in the kitchen!
Mason loves to listen to music on the headphones. He listened for about 1 hour. Daddy and Mason

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spending a little time outside and getting dirty

Daddy and Meghan taking a little rest before bedtime. Meghan was all pooped out from being outside today. The kids just love to be outside. It's the greatest thing ever.
We can't wait for the warm weather much longer.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Weekend before Easter.

Saturday we took a trip to the city of Otsego Park. They had a Easter Egg hunt and the Easter Bunny was there. They had all kinds of free activities but the kids enjoyed the eggs most of all.
Daddy put us in the car for a little ride.Hold on tight.
We got a little swinging in also.
Look at the egg..............I will get it.and he crawls right past it. He just kept crawling. He has no interest in the eggs at allDaddy shows me how to put them in the bucket. Whoaaaa....Look at all them.Our Easter BucketsYummy!! Hey, She took my eggs!! Look at all the eggs. UH OH!!
(That's Meghan's famous words, she would pick up a egg, say "uh oh" and put it in her bucket over and over again)
Meeting the Easter Bunny. Meghan just giggled. Mason was a little shy. Meghan gets some of her eggs that spilled over.A Family Photo with the Easter Bunny!
Meghan just wants her eggs and Mason wonders who the heck is this furry thing?
