Monday, May 24, 2010

Landon giggles


Meghan talks and talks and talks............She teaches Mason to talk also. still talking and talking and talking and talking.
Mom came downstairs to Meghan running around like this: YIKES!!!
Meghan helps Landon drink out of his new sippy cup.

Landon is 5 months old today!!

Num Num TimeHa ha, That is funny! Who me?
Ready for bed time.
Sweet Little Boy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

You and Me goin fishin "before" dark.......

The kids had their first canoe ride today.Mason loved it. Meghan was a bit unsure.
"Faster daddy, Faster"
Grandma saves Meghan
Mason and Dad
Mason does not want to get out of the boat.
He wants to go more .....


Getting ready to do a litle fishing with Daddy.Meghan watches while dad puts the worm on the hook."Whoa, It's a big one mom!" " Another one mom, wheel it in"
Mason tries to put the worm on.
