Monday, June 27, 2011

Termite T-Ball

Mason gets ready for the fast ball.
This is our green team. Meghan is the only girl.
Meghan and Daddy do a little warming up.
Last week was our first week of T-Ball and Meghan wanted nothing to do with it except go sit on the bleachers with the big girls... Mason, on the other hand. LOVED and can't wait to go back.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Landon continued........

Why is it that when its time to go to bed. Landon starts to show off his abilities....

Saturday, June 18, 2011


This Friday Landon will be 18 months old. He is still not walking on his own and stands up for about 2 seconds per day, maybe 1-2 days per week. Today we were playing with beach balls downstairs. He would stand up and grab the ball and try to throw it really high like the big kids. During this process I was handing him the ball back after he threw it. He took 1 step. I know it's not much but it's allot for a Mommy who has been waiting forever for him to start walking. As allot of you know we have been working with Therapists since Landon was about 2-3 months old. He was being treated for torticollis when the therapist noticed he was starting to get very behind on almost all of his development stages. It was and still is to early to know if Landon has anything that is permanent and we didn't want to have to put him through sedation for them to run a bunch of tests that may not even show anything because he was to young. Right now they are working on Language and Motor development. Tammy, Our therapist tells us Landon is way ahead of his group in Cognitive development. Landon still does not say Mommy or Daddy or can put a word with a action or express how he is feeling. But he has a great way of letting us know when and what he needs. :) Along with his 1st step (remember.. Only 1 step) he has repeated a couple words this weekend with us. "round and round" and "no, no" We only hope this is a start to a great thing for us and for him.
