Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Helping with dinner......

Funny thing.......
I asked the kids to help me prepare dinner last night.
I tossed a bag of tator tots to them and told them to put them on the pan for me.
I turned around about 3 minutes later to find this :
Almost done.
Finished Product - Ready for the oven :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Ryan asked if I could cut his toe nails since he can barely even walk. I couldn't get myself to do it without gagging. (I have HUGE issues with feet) So I gave the clippers to Landon... Great job he did also.
As we were leaving to come home with Ryan from the hospital, I had a flat tire. Meghan helped Grandpa with it and got us back on the road.
Its been a crazy two weeks. Starting on August 20th.... I have 3 great little helpers though.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Building our.......

Just not sure yet if I would call it a shack or a cabin.... Either way, my little bit of help I did this last week with the cabin.....gave me a full belly. Yes, every time I made a trip on the trail from the truck to the.... building /structure...I picked a handful of raspberries. Everywhere you looked where raspberries. The kids LOVED them. I guess there is something good about this place.......... see them right on the left and the right and straight ahead... :)
Up, Up, UP it goes....The roof to the 2nd level gets boards.
Up, Up, Up goes Grandma Nett, Ryan and Mason. Thanks for all your help Grandma Nett, We really appreciate it.


Some of our vacation highlights:
Riding Grandpa's 4 wheeler.
Grandpa giving Mason a haircut. Mason wanted "all gone" like his Grandpa
Meghan trying to catch a tan.
Landon ready for bedtime.....A hour later..."Peek a Boo" Landon is still playing...

Buddy is Back.....

If you have read our blog before and you remember the "buddy" posts you will probably know what I am talking about. For those who are new at this, I will provide a short explanation. (you can also put buddy in the search box above to see the post)
In the past we would go up to Grandma and Grandpa Nylunds cabin. There is a little chipmunk the kids have called buddy and they feed him peanuts. Buddy is so familiar with the peanuts he will come right up your leg and take them out of your hand to eat them.
This year was no different. We started our drive up to Finland on August 10th and planned on staying until August 13th.
Grandma, Mason, Meghan, Landon, Tucker and I were all taking the hike up together.
We made it up and got settled in to find Buddy waiting for his peanuts. The kids and I grabbed some nuts and headed out to feed Buddy.

At times Buddy will take the nuts to anther location where you can hear him cracking them open. He comes back for more with a mouth stuffed full of the nuts wanting more.

This year Mom was feeding buddy peanuts from in her hand:
Buddy must have thought her finger was his peanut and took a little nibble.
It scared Mom to death and she
tried to pull her hand back and buddy went flying.... He is OK. He shook it off pretty quickly. However, all Mom could think about is getting to the hospital to get a rabies shot ..where was the nearest hospital? :)
(don't worry- nobody was hurt during this episode)
The conclusion to this story and lesson learned:
Always feed buddy so he is unable to bite your peanut finger!!!

Next time Buddy..........I will be bringing steel gloves to feed you.
