Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Birth-oween Day Devin!!

All dressed up to celebrate Devin's Birthday!
Pirate Mom and her little Skeleton.
Landon looks so old here. Mason (Darth Vader) doesn't let his candy bag out of his site.
Meghan (puppy) tries to hit the Ghostly Pinata!
Mason's turn to wack either the pinata
or Meghan depending on who was closer.

Pump - kin

Landon's 2nd Pump - kin.
Meghan's CUTE pumpkin.
Mason's SCARY pumpkin
Mason shows me his really SCARY pumpkin.
He asks if I am going to cover my eyes?
Getting Gooey..
Ewwwy Gooey....
All finished cleaning it out.
Landon's turn....
He used his spoon the entire time. He would not touch
the ewwwy gooey pump - kin. (his words)
After taking time to clean and carve his pumpkin.
He took it over to the stairs and rolled it down to
smash at the bottom.
Now you know what I mean by 2nd Pump - kin.
Final Result of 1st:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Rhubarb at Grandmas


I knew I could find a reason that I LOVE this land we purchased. This time of year is absolutely Gorgeous!! Here is our road to the cabin. Ooopsies... A little problem getting in. Nothing Grandpa can't fix for us though :)Landon taking a break and eating his hot dog with his stick.
Mason pondering....
Break Time.
