Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving 101

Ewww... Get all the guts out, while sitting on the table.

Make sure you get all the seeds, while sitting on the table.

Put the seeds in a bowl so we can cook them, while sitting on the table.

Unfortunately, Landon didn't touch any of it, while sitting on the table.

So, Until next year, we will all stay off the table until its time to sit on the table and carve pumpkins again!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fright Night

Jonathan and Landon patiently waiting to get in to Fright Night 2012!

Meghan and her quick pose.

Mason was proud of his 4 eyed monster he made for his pose.
Up Up and Away are my little puppy and spidey!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Here Fishy Fishy, Here Caesar Caesar....

We were finally able to get a look at the goldfish in our pond that we normally see every year.
They are HUGE and that is a understatement. These photos don' really show them very well but you can see the orange cluster. I was standing up on the top of our deck.

 "Why Yes Caesar, You can have a piece of my cheese bread"

Thursday, September 20, 2012


September 18th, 2012 
This is our first day of our second year in Preschool

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Saturday Morning at Otsego Festival

Mason prepares for the bike parade to start.
Meghan also gets geared up. Almost ready to go.
Meghan rides in the back of a fire truck.
Mason drives the fire truck.
Landon gets a sword from the clown.
Mason chooses a hat from the clown.
Meghan chooses a pretty flower (moms favorite)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I have HAD it! I am FED up!
I could not bring myself to buy ONE MORE bottle of over-priced, wastefully-packaged laundry detergent. Now, I’m no eco-nazi (far from it), but buying those big bottles of laundry detergent, lugging them home and then turning around and throwing them away was definitely starting to get to me. I mean seriously….what a waste! Not to mention the COST! I won’t do it!
I just happened to come across a picture someone posted on Pinterest of their “Homemade” laundry detergent! Call me naive, but it had never even occurred to me that you could MAKE your own detergent! I did a little research online and decided to give it at try. It turns out it’s actually quite easy and smells wonderful!!
The main thing you have to get used to is it hardly make any suds at all. At first this is a bit unnerving …but the more I read about it online…I realized that “suds” are not what gets our clothes CLEAN. As a matter of fact, as with dish washing liquid, the suds are totally cosmetic and add no cleaning value. Less suds is actually better for our clothes.
I started out tonight making 2 gallons. Here are the ingredients needed.
1 bar grated Fels Naptha soap 1 cup of Borax 1 cup of (arm and hammer) washing soda

Step 1. Grate your bar of soap into your pot.

Step 2. Pour one gallon water into pot with grated soap. Cook until the grated soap dissolves.

Step 3. Add the Borax and washing soda. Bring to a boil. It will coagulate.

Step 4. Turn off the heat. Add 1 gallon of cold water. Stir well.

Step 5. Pour into your container.

Now you have 2 gallons of homemade laundry detergent. I use 1/2 to 1 cup per load depending on how dirty you clothes are. With the prices of detergent being outrageous, I feel really happy every time I make a batch of this.

The Best part: Cost per load is approximately .04!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

Brighton Beach

After our trip to Soup Lake, We made a short stop at Brighton Beach to check it out.
This was the first time I had been there. Its very peaceful and pretty. I love the rock beaches. This photo was taken about 2 seconds before Mason slipped off the rock and fell in.
Look at how clear the lake is?
Meghan Loves the water even if its like 30 degrees.
This is Masons "cheese" pose
Landon likes throwing the rocks in, he would be there all day doing it if we let him.
Grandma keeps a eye on the boys
Throwing rocks
Meghan Loves it here and wants to stay.
Trying to feed the ducks sunflower seeds
