Sunday, September 21, 2008

Como Zoo

We took our first trip to the Como Zoo this weekend. The kids did wonderful for 3 whole hours, especially when it was a little warm for them. I was pleasantly surprised. I think their favorite thing in the entire zoo was the fish. They love to watch those bright fish.
Daddy and Mason visiting the Giraffe.

Grandma giving Mason a ride on the Zebra. See the sign behind Mason, it states that the Zebra is not for riding. Grandma!!

Meghan in the Japanese Garden.

Grandpa. Oops, maybe not.

I almost had mistaken this little guy for one of my monkeys!

Our first cookies!!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Some of our Day Care clan

"I think I have her pinned" (Poor Meghan)"What goes on at day care, stays at daycare" Mason says

Friday, September 12, 2008

What happened on my Six month Birthday......

Mommy came home from work and swore she saw a bottom tooth. She took a peak
and nope..............there were two bottom teeth!
I wasn't happy to show them either (as you can tell by the photo)

See my bottom two teeth?

Happy half Birthday!!

Happy half-birthday to my beloved pair. It's hard to believe. Sometimes March feels like forever ago, and other times it feels like yesterday. Six-month-olds used to seem so big and old to me, but now we're here! It's wild. Mason, my first born, my big boy, also known as baby "A" my entire pregnancy. We'll see what Wednesday's pediatrician visit brings, but I'm guessing he's over 20 pounds now. He's so strong, stronger every day. Pushing with the legs, standing and rolling over. All day long, mouth open, tongue hanging out, drooling like a mad man. Smiling ear to ear. He loves new people and new things, will smile at just about anyone. Those beautiful eyes have been dark brown since he about 2 months old. Meghan, my beautiful little girl. Lots of curls, which I think she holds the world record for so much hair at such a young age. Big, Beautiful blue eyes that you can't miss. They are just so gorgeous. We still have not figured out where she get them. I think she is pushing a little over 19 lbs. She loves to be in her Johnny Jump up and recently started to be very good at sitting by herself. Lately she's been all about the silly noises, sucking and clicking with her tongue and blowing raspberries for a good half hour straight.
It's amazing to think of how different they are. Personality, interaction, sheer strength. From such little newborns to big babies starting to do things on their own. There have, no doubt, been some really hard times. And I know there will be new hard times to come. But on the whole, it is only getting better and more fun. Who knew We'd ever be so lucky?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Breakfast in our new high chairs

We finally are big enough to test out our new highchairs. They work pretty well for us!!
"It seems a bit tastier than my cereal though :)"

"Put that camera down and feed me!!"

"Yep, I think Mason is right, anything is better than the cereal."

Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy!

Meghan's feet always go 50mph. We introduced her to the Johnny Jump-up.
She loves it. We almost think she could just jump right out of it!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Walk to the park

We just love to take walks to the park for a little swinging before bedtime.

Rough'in it on Labor Day Weekend

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin for Labor Day weekend. We had wonderful weather. It was so quiet until we arrived.....
On the way to Grandmother's house!!
Grandma Nylund and us singing camp fire songs!
All bundled upDaddy and Mason trying to get away like always. These two just can't sit still! Just a swingin......... Grandma's idea of a pool. It sure was fun though.Swinging together forever...... Our First Bath together in a big tub Meghan loves to grab her feet
