Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Morning

As soon as we get up in the morning, the fun begins!
Some other news.........
They both love to eat table food. Everything Mommy & Daddy eat, they have to try. I think their favorites are cookies...... Just like Mommy!
Meghan is crawling all over the place. (it's just a beginners crawl) She gets to where she wants to go. Her favorite place is the dog's water dish!
Oh boy are we in trouble!!
Meghan also can get herself from her stomach to her butt in sitting position. When I get up in the morning, I find her sitting in her crib, smiling from ear to ear. Sometimes I wonder if she played all night??
Mason has finally mastered sitting, however his best is in the walker. He can run all over the place and he just thinks it's the greatest thing ever. In and out of rooms, closets, tight spots, anywhere Mommy & Daddy can't see him. He also has two little holes on the top of his mouth so we think two more teeth are coming through. Meghan still has just the 1.

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