Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Does size really matter??

Believe it or not, these little squirts are just 8 days apart.
This is Easton, he was born December 16th. What a cutie pie! A New friend for life!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

eewy, gooey

We made some eewy gooey fun out of corn starch and water. It was allot of fun.
The kids played for at least a hour. Mason makes soup.
Meghan eats some apple sauce with her nice socks that grandma borrowed her.
Mason and his apple sauce.

Meghan's Masterpiece

Almost as tall as her. The tower.

Landon turns one month old today

Hmmm.........Milk or Milk. Which should I have? Big boy weighs 6lbs 4oz......we think?? SO BIG
Swing, Swing

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Weekend at the Waterpark

Auntie Trica, Uncle Duane and Cousins, Dakota, Colton and Kirk came down for a night and stayed at a local waterpark. We had a nice visit with them and the kids enjoyed every second in the waterpark even though their lips were blue and they were shivering.
Landon stays seated while the kids swim :) The kids enjoy the hot tub with Dad and Colton
Swimming with Dad and Kirk.
Mason gets use to the water after a while.
Meghan is our little fishy!

Landon is finally awake.

Kirk gets some baby time in.

Meghan uses Daddy's phone again. We wondered if she was calling Grandma again?

Oh boy, Kirk has shown Mason how to play games. Now we have trouble!

Brothers and Sisters

Baby Landon napping.
Meghan and Mason love to hold their new brother.
Mason is so gentle with him. Mason loves his brother.
Meghan doesn't know what to think.
Goofy Girl!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Ever since we took Meghan's Nuk away, we have had awful sleeping habits with her.
We have since moved Mason into his own room and made her crib into a big girl bed since she was getting out every minute and waking her brother. Night after night for about 6 weeks she would get out of bed and scream by the door for hours. I finally gave in this week and gave her the Nuk back and now we don't have any issues again. Must be a soothing thing I guess. We can finally get some sleep. The last night of screaming was about 10 minutes and it got very quiet, I thought it was very strange. So after a while I went in and checked on her.
This is what we found.
Poor little girl decided she wanted to sleep in her bean bag I guess. :)
Meanwhile........Mason tries on Meghan's dress up clothes. Daddy didn't like this at all. I can't wait until I need some photo's to bribe him as he get's older. This one will work great!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Photos

Call me crazy, but we have a very strong boy in our hands. He has control of his head already at just a few days old. He is so bright eyed and alert when he is awake. We have been so blessed.Meghan fixes Grandma's hair. "hold still" she says. "Grandma ouch" Snarles........
Landon's first sponge bath at home. Landon's first nap time at home.

Winter Wonderland

Landon watches as the kids play.Daddy and Mason take a self portrait. Mommy and Meghan take a self portrait.
The kids go snowmobiling for the 1st time. I thought they would be
scared of it, but it became impossible to get them off.
Mason loves to go fast with Daddy.
Meghan loves to drive.
