Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Half Birthday Landon Joseph!!

Today you are 6 months old! It is so difficult for me to believe that it was 6 months ago that you came into this world. In many ways it feels like yesterday. Only 6 months ago I didn't know what your cute little face would look like -- now I can't imagine my life without it. It is so amazing how much you have changed and grown in the last six months. The smiles and giggles you give us light up our lives. You are becoming more and more of a little man every day. You are very interested in the world around you. Everything goes directly into your mouth these days. We had your 6 month doctor's appointment today and you weighed in at 14 lb. 7 oz. You love to play! You are becoming more and more interested in your toys each day. You are so adorable with that big grin on your face all the time!! You are growing up and reaching all of your milestones. Most importantly though, I find that I love you more and more each day. While I can't believe your newborn days are gone, I can't say that I'm sad. I love seeing your personality develop and watching you become a little man. Happy 6 Month Birthday, Little Man. I feel so blessed that you are in our lives. Love always, Mommy
A Very Special Happy Birthday
from all the Isaacson's to
We Love you and hope you have a good day!


  1. How funny... I was just taking my lunch and looking at your blog.. I was wondering when you were going to update it! haha
    I just refreshed my screen and it was here!!!

  2. Happy half-birthday, Landon!!! Love and Hugs and Kisses!!! :) Sharee

