Friday, January 6, 2012

A long Days Work!

We didn't have daycare one day and Mom and Dad both had to work so we had a Nanny come in and watch us for the day. Her parents run a non profit farm near us that specializes in riding with special kids!! So she brought us there for the day to help out.
We all arrive at the barn together.
(I have to laugh at the hats because they are both Landons and they both don't fit)See, This is going to be fun!First Meghan feeds the horse.Then Mason gets his turn to feed the horse.
Now Meghan has to take the horse to get cleaned up.
We have to clean his feet first.Say hello to himBrush him out while Mason says hello to him.Have Mason brush him a little.Wallah....He is ready to ride!Yeeeahaaa!!
FYI - Landon is not in any of the photos because he had to be held the
entire time. He was scared of the horses.

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